New Space. New Look. New Offerings

SE Oregon

A lot of changes have happened in my life these past 10 months.  One could have looked at my life last April and might have not even recognized it. In fact,  so much in my daily life transformed last spring in a matter of a week, it seemed in some ways easier to begin again than to rebuild what I had.   

And though that might sound a bit vague- My path felt vague as well.  I could not see many steps ahead (and well, still can’t). But one enormous gift came to me during this unsolicited lesson of impermanence:  I was able to truly feel where my heart wanted to take me.  And, unlike other times in my life where I felt a calling but also felt too weighted down by my responsibilities to follow the call.  THIS time I was able to follow the call.

So I did.  I decided to take a lot of risks last summer:  I decided to quite my job, let go of any resemblance of a permanent home.  I decided to travel more, go outside more and really, shift all of my energy toward making June Botanicals a thriving business.

10 months later, I wouldn’t call June Botanicals ‘Thriving’ (yet),  but It certainly is a living breathing entity that I am excited to say is also GROWING!


A friend of mine and I were talking during the depths of winter, both feeling a bit lonely and reclusive. And from that talk an idea sprouted- to create a community space.  A space that could be dedicated to teaching herbal techniques and to educate people on how to take their health into their own hands through herbalism and wellness courses. 

Just a few short weeks later, a space showed up.  Located off NE Alberta between. June Botanicals has it’s first locale!

I've decided to use this space for herbalism, wellness classes, and guided spiritual practices.  This is a safe space for sharing, learning, opening your heart and your mind to new techniques and to new people who have like minded interest. This is a place I hope can fall into peoples journey of healing themselves.  This is a place that I am creating where people can feel safe to grow and to share and to be themselves.  I am excited to offer this to the community.

JB headquaters 2017

To begin, I thought nothing would be more perfect than to host a guided Full Moon ceremony for the May full moon. Which is only 2 short weeks away on Wednesday May 10th. 

Come join me for:

A Full Moon Ceremony
A guided practice of releasing

For More details and to sign up

I will be hosting a full moon and new moon ceremony through the summer every other month.  Along with a four part series about the basics of making herbal medicine.

Sometimes You Just Gotta Change Your Look

This winter I got inspired to re-design the bottles. It was time for June Botanicals to get it's first makeover. . . Plus, it gave me an excuse to sit down and draw. 

Here’s what I came up with:

And this is how they look :)

jennifer cox